Discover the benefit of trigger point therapy as a regenerative treatment for pain.

Trigger point therapy involves injecting low strength glucose to specific points on the body to alleviate pain and tension by releasing trigger points or knots in muscles.

A trigger point can be a debilitating source of pain, characterised by an irritable, taut muscle band or knot that may cause localised pain or referred pain to other parts of the body. In fact, referred pain from trigger points can mimic pinched nerves in the neck or lower back, which can be a source of confusion for many patients. Trigger points can develop from direct muscle injuries, poor posture, repetitive strain or secondary to spine conditions.

Fortunately, trigger point injections can help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by these stubborn knots. The goal of a trigger point injection is to relax the area of an intense muscle spasm, thereby improving blood flow to the area and allowing for the washout of irritating metabolites. In doing so, trigger point injections can be an important part of treating myofascial pain syndrome and, in some cases, fibromyalgia.

By targeting the specific trigger point, trigger point injections provide targeted relief, which can be a valuable tool in managing chronic pain. If you’re experiencing pain that you suspect may be caused by trigger points, talk to us and find out if trigger point injections could be a good option for you.

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